Policy Brief – tutkittua tietoa toimeentulotuen yhteydestä lastensuojelun tarpeeseen

Hietamäki, J., Seppälä, P., Häkkilä, L., & Toikko, T. (in press) Family support services reduce the demand for emergency child removals at the community level. European Journal of Social Work.

Toikko, T., Seppälä, P., & McLaughlin, T. (2022) Additional income support buffers the demand for child protection services at the municipality level. International Journal of Social Welfare.

Toikko, T., Seppälä, P., Häkkilä, L., & Hietamäki, J. (2022) Family support services buffer the effect of child welfare notifications on child removals. Child and Family Social Work, preview.

Häkkilä, L., Seppälä, P., Hietamäki, J., & Toikko, T. (2022). Financial support for households and the demand for child protection services–a municipality-level analysis of income support for single-parent households and reimbursements for depression medicines. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 42(13/14), 50-65.